For enrollee


When entering a higher education institution for a technical specialty the certificate in mathematics must be applied usually.

This is due to the fact that mathematics is a language in which all the natural sciences, such as mechanics, physics, chemistry, electronics, are written. A particular huge area of application of mathematical methods is information technology and computer science. Mathematics is the foundation of other fundamental sciences.

The Department of Higher Mathematics of NTU " Dnipro university of technology" pays great attention to the preparation of future students. Teachers of the department are engaged in the development of methodological guidelines and information technology for students and graduates of schools, as well as in the dissemination of natural science knowledge among students.

Published series of textbooks "Library of a foreign student" sets the transition from "school" mathematics to higher. The first issues contain materials that are mostly accessible to secondary school students. Subsequent issues look at sections that are already being studied in higher education.

Useful links:

TU "Dnipro University of Technology" Admission Office